Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
Like many i have made a very stupid mistake.
i am a newly qualified driver 3 weeks to be exact and had 1 pint to many
i was driving home and hit a puddle which blocked my view and i crashed my car into a streetlamp (complete right-off)
i admitted i had a drink and blew 71 i spent the night in a cell and when i was back there blew 54
i kept quite through-out and did as i was told and didnt cause any argro
i havent said this to the police but will in court that i honsetly dont think the fact i had a drink caused me to crash my car. I feel that even if i had not drank anything i would have still crashed my car
i have a court date for 24th november and just wondering what will happen and if theres anything i can do? i just dont want to re-take my test!
Please help me!
Thanks for your post.

With a reading of 71ug/100ml in breath, you will be liable for a disqualification of 17-22 months and a fine. The Court should offer you the chance to attend an approved drink driving course, the successful completion of which will result in your disqualification being reduced by 25%.

A disqualification for driving with excess alcohol does not carry a requirement to retake your driving test.

With regard to your point about the cause of the accident, you should tread carefully in terms of how you approach this. There is a risk that you will antagonise the Court if you suggest that your driving wasn’t impaired when your breath alcohol level was twice the prescribed limit.

It is important in these cases, where the seriousness is aggravated by an accident, that any mitigation is very carefully prepared as it may have a notable impact on the sentence imposed.

It would therefore be advisable for you to seek legal advice regarding a plea of mitigation before attending Court.

Kind regards,

Carl Johnson
On behalf of Sean Joyce
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