What to expect from court

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
Hi there
I have been charged with drink driving and am to attend maidstone mags in December, i actually pulled the car over myself and rang the police, do i need a solicitor now? what can i expect from court? i intend to plead guilty but if i had a solicitor could i expect less of a punishment as I stopped myself? I have no idea what is going to happen when i get there
all credit for pulling over............but why did you ring the police? had you been involved in an accident?
No, I had not been involved in an accident I just knew I was too drunk to go any further so I rang my break down people and they advised I call the police, the Highway patrol turned up and I asked them to call someone to arrest me. I wasn't handcuffed or anything and went quite willingly, I was however nearly 3 times over the limit, my breath count was 92. This is my first offence other than being fined for being on the phone whilst driving a month ago. I suffer from depression and am planning to attend an alchol counsellor. I am getting very mixed oppinions as to whether the duty solicitor at the magistrates court will be enough if I have a note from my doctor or whether I should get a barrister to defend me. I would have to apply for legal aid as I am a student and as the court case is very soon I don't know how long all this will take.
The fact you called the police is a feature of the case that is in your favour and the court will take it into account. However, the statutory minimum ban is for 12 months and based on the guidelines you are likely to get longer. You are also above the threshold for a fine and could, instead be looking at a community order (unpaid work, supervision or a curfew order).

You may find that you will not qualify for legal aid because you are not at risk of a prison sentence.

If you are intending to instruct a solicitor of choice then you will need to make these arrangements before your court hearing.

Feel free to contact us by telephone on 0845 0020736 to discuss your case further or for help in finding a specialist lawyer to represent you.
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