What to do to pass the DVLA medical?

Convicted Driver Insurance
It's all different in 2024 , the DVLA medical assessment blood test is for your CDT levels, not your ALT, etc. I recently had my DVLA medical assessment and I'm waiting for a decision from the DVLA for a new driving license,it should be fine, since I'd abstained from drinking alcohol for a long time, before the blood test. Can anyone please message me whether you need to go on a fast from eating something small and drinking a soft drink, before the DVLA medical assessment. All the best to everyone.
It's all different in 2024 , the DVLA medical assessment blood test is for your CDT levels, not your ALT, etc. I recently had my DVLA medical assessment and I'm waiting for a decision from the DVLA for a new driving license,it should be fine, since I'd abstained from drinking alcohol for a long time, before the blood test. Can anyone please message me whether you need to go on a fast from eating something small and drinking a soft drink, before the DVLA medical assessment. All the best to everyone.
You can eat as much or as little as you want, before the medical examination.

What I will add, for anyone else reading this comment; Please make sure to drink plenty of fluids before the CDT test - just so you're well hydrated. Doing so will ensure that there's more fluid in your veins, making it easier for the doctor to actually find a vein.
You can eat as much or as little as you want, before the medical examination.

What I will add, for anyone else reading this comment; Please make sure to drink plenty of fluids before the CDT test - just so you're well hydrated. Doing so will ensure that there's more fluid in your veins, making it easier for the doctor to actually find a vein.
Thanks Xeronema for your message. If I can elaborate on my previous message, I had a couple of sandwiches and a small bottle of, I believe it was orange juice, to accompany the sandwiches an hour,or so,no longer, before the DVLA medical assessment in Swansea, the Lady doctor didn't seem to find any difficulty in finding a good vein, she just asked me start pumping my fist and I then stopped, whilst she took the blood sample. So, an hour or so,of eating a couple of sandwiches and drinking a small bottle of orange juice, before the doctor took my blood sample, won't have affected the results, specifically of the CDT levels then? .
Thanks Xeronema for your message. If I can elaborate on my previous message, I had a couple of sandwiches and a small bottle of, I believe it was orange juice, to accompany the sandwiches an hour,or so,no longer, before the DVLA medical assessment in Swansea, the Lady doctor didn't seem to find any difficulty in finding a good vein, she just asked me start pumping my fist and I then stopped, whilst she took the blood sample. So, an hour or so,of eating a couple of sandwiches and drinking a small bottle of orange juice, before the doctor took my blood sample, won't have affected the results, specifically of the CDT levels then? .
The body naturally produces alcohol from digestion so your score will never be 0. Some foods could potentially make a difference but the simple fact is; little to no alcohol will mean you have a low score.

I eat bread most days and have OJ in my morning smoothie and my score was under 1.

Nothing to worry about if you are drinking little/no alcohol.
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