Is it just alcohol there testing for???

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
Ive just finished my 12mth DR10 ban an have my 'HIGH RISK' DVLA Medical in a couple of weeks and even though ive never been alcohol dependent and apart from 2 or 3 beers a week (If that) im pretty confident there shouldnt any issues as im a 43yr old, no previous related driving offences in the 12yrs ive held my licence an consider myself 2B in good health.
Wot i was wanting sum intel on was wether, as its a drink-driving offence do they actually check 4 just alcohol or do they check 4 ALL substances, ie Prescribed an 'Unprescribed' drugs when providing the blood test???
I have attended twice and my urine was never asked however I have heard more stories of people randomly being asked for urine in recent months
There are 4 occasions when you will be asked for a urine sample at the DVLA medical:
1. Some doctors ask for a urine sample which is dipped on the spot and is a simple test for Ketones which indicate diabetes. It is not a formal requirement of the test.
2. If you indicate on the questionnaire that you have used (or abused) drugs or medications that could have an effect on your driving.
3. If a check with your GP indicates reports of (2)
4. If your driving conviction was drug related rather than alcohol.

Other than those, a urine sample is not requested.
DVLA are a law unto themselves. I have a medical licence because I take anti-epileptics. For whatever reason last time the DVLA sent me for a full drugs test complete with a rather confused doctor, who was expecting to discuss illicit drugs and a nurse turned up!

I did have to wee in a cup whilst they watched.

Suffice to say I passed! ?
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