is a solicitor needed?

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member

im 19 and have recently been charged with drink reading was 55 on the meter and im gona plead guilty in court so i was wondering if a solicitor was really needed. im currently at college and cant afford one, the ban is gona kill me as i probs wont be able to get to college and i wont be ablew to work so i wont be able to pay off the fine.

any advice would greatly appreciated



A disqualification is mandatory where someone is convicted of driving with excess alcohol. The sentence range in relation to your breath reading is between 12 - 17 months. Being a represented by a solicitor can make a real difference in terms of the length of ban. It could make a difference between getting a 12 month ban (reduced to 9 if we could also persuade the Court to offer you the Drink Drive Referral Course) or being banned for 17 months. We offer fixed fee representation for a guilty plea.

Let me know if I can help further.

If you wanted to give me a call to discuss funding my direct dial is 01942 774179 and I will be here until 5 pm.


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