DR2V Form (dvla questionnaire to gp)

Convicted Driver Insurance


Couldn't find the form anywhere on here, so I have dug one out and posted it. This is the 2016 version, I don't think it has changed since.

Questionnaire to assess your patient’s medical fitness to drive

1) In the past three years, has the ‘patient demonstrated persistent alcohol misuse? (including recurrent binge drinking) Y/N

a) Is it controlled? Y/N
b) If YES, how long has this been controlled? Years/Months

2. Has there been alcohol dependence in the last three years? Y/N

a) Is it controlled? Y/N
b) If YES, how long has this been controlled? Years/Months

3. Please provide details of current consumption
a) Date last seen

4. As a result of alcohol misuse or dependence, has your patient required treatment or help from (tick as relevant)
a) Date of last detox treatment
b) Yourself
c) Support Group (e. g AA)
d) Other
If YES, please give details with dates:-

5. To your knowledge, has your patient ever been advised to modify his/her drinking behaviour or abstain from alcohol? Y/N
If YES, please give details with dates:-

6. Has your patient had blood taken for CDT, Gamma GT, AST, ALT and MCV?
If yes, please give details of result(s) including ranges and date(s) the test was taken.

7. Has your patient ever been diagnosed with any of the following problems associated with alcohol misuse or dependence (tick as relevant)
a) Fits
b) Withdrawal fits.
c) Memory problems or cognitive impairment
d) Liver/other G.I damage/Pancreatitis
e) Neurological damage/disorder
f) Cardiac symptoms
g) Other
If YES please give details with dates

8. Does your patient have any form of non-alcohol related liver disease, e. g. infective hepatitis (A/B/C), other?
If YES please give details with dates.

9. In the past three years has your patient demonstrated persistent drug misuse?
a) Is the misuse controlled? Y/N
b) If YES, for how long has this been controlled? Months
c) Give full details and confirm the type of drug(s).

10. In the past three years, has your patient demonstrated drug dependence? Y/N
a) Is the dependence controlled? Y/N
b) If YES, for how long has this been controlled? Months
c) Give full details and confirm the type of drug(s).
Hi Diesel2,
Can I ask where you got this info? I've been searching for a copy of this form... driving me nuts
Hi Jitterbug,
when I made a subject access request for my medical notes the completed form was in there. I couldn't find it on the internet either so I reproduced it here for reference. It was in 2016, but I doubt very much it has changed, dvla are a century behind everybody else.
Thanks for such a prompt reply; very helpful. I think I've got my head around these issues now . The DVLA are not at all transparent about criteria used to make judgements or how they apply them so the whole process is a bit like waiting in purgatory.
Glad to be of some help to someone, I only swing by once in a while as my ordeal is over now. A word of warning though, don’t ever think you’ve got your head around dvla, they make it up as they go along.
I’m not kidding.
There was very recently an outcry from people with Aspergers syndrome, who were suddenly required to inform dvla of their diagnosis, and to be assessed by dvla as to their medical fitness to drive. Nobody knows where this sudden move came from, the reasons why, what standards/criteria were to be used, or what research there was to indicate an increased accident risk. Long story short, dvla crumbled immediately because an army of people with Aspergers who had passed their driving test in the first place would cause merry hell with anybody and everybody that would listen. Dvla caved in because this group was organised and would be a political embarrassment by showing them up for what they are.
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