Advice on dvla medical

Convicted Driver Insurance
A le tter arrived from DVLA on 7th March asking me to make an appointment to see my GP for a medical. On the 8th March i received another letter from DVLA asking me to make an appointment with a DVLA doctor at a private hospital. I rang the DVLA to ask what i should do, see the GP or the DVLA doctor. They said the DVLA doctor. I told her that i had just had a blood test and couldnt they use that and she said ' oh no, this is a test for alcohol! As i have not misused alcohol or been convicted of drink driving, i dont understand why i have to have a Full Medical. Can anyone help please?
There must be some reason why DVLA are requiring a medical, have you had any involvement at all with them, or have you seen your GP or a specialist about anything medical in the recent past? What was the reason for the blood test with your GP?
Thanks for replying to my question. Nearly 3 years ago i was diagnosed with Bi polar and was sectioned for a short time. At the hospital i was told that i couldnt drive for 3 months, which i didnt. Then saw my GP and asked if i could drive again and he said yes. I take Lithium 800mg daily and clonazepam 1mg daily so the recent blood test was to check my lithium levels, which were fine. Have been now driving for 2 1/2 years safely and with no incidents. Just contacted DVLA and i need to see my GP and DVLA doctor as well. I asked DVLA if a urine sample would be taken and she said that DVLA were not asking for one. Why are they asking for a cdt blood test? So confused, please help.
The only reason that I can think of is that it is not a good idea to be drinking alcohol when taking Librium and Clomazepam so they want to check, if you have, that they should consider the combined effects with alcohol and your medication on your ability to drive.
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