72 reading ! What can I do to minimise punishment .

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
I read 72 at the station
They didn’t do a breath test at the roadside as they didn’t have equipment
I requested a blood test but the officer was obstructive and said she would then charge me regardless if I didn’t give breath

I need my license for work
Is there any possibility that I may not get a ban and how do I maximise my outcome for the better
Thank you
A reading of 72µg of alcohol per 100ml of breath puts you in the second sentencing bracket meaning you will face a ban of between 17 and 22 months together with a fine or community order. The officer is nit obliged to offer you the opportunity to give blood instead of breath unless there is a medical reason why you can't give a breath specimen. The fact that you have provided breath means they can rely on that. The only way to defend in your case would be to consider in more detail if any procedural abnormality at the police station may have rendered the breath specimen inadmissible. You will need to consider this with specialist insight and can contact one of our team on 0333 200 9860
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