4 time and Waiting on another incident in may so that could be 5. So embarrassed but I need help I haven’t told anyone. How much custodial will I get?

Convicted Driver Insurance
After working in mental health units for the past 16yrs I can assure you the 12 step program works if the patient wants to quit substance missuse and if your figures are correct of 33% to 8% that is most definitely a better percentage of not going to AA at all
AA is to be wholeheartedly supported. It undeniably works, either in the supernatural or secular twelve-step version.

It's also undeniable that it doesn't work for the two-thirds or so majority of those with alcohol addiction issues who attend AA.

It needs stressing on this site and elsewhere that addiction is a complex mental health issue and that AA, for all it's fine work - in so many cases life-saving work - doesn't necessarily have answers or the solutions.
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