Convicted Driver Insurance
Would an ANPR pick up a disqualified driver if insurance, tax and MOT were all in order.


My understanding is that if the car you were caught drink driving in is seen on the roads, the police will pull you over to check you are not the driver and there is a named insured driver, driving the vehicle on the policy.

So in answer to your question unless someone tells me different, yes a ANPR will pick up a disqualified drivers vehicle even if insurance, tax and MOT are all in order.

(I'm in my vehicle every day, just waiting to be picked up, haven't been tailed yet but I'm sure its only a matter of time)
half right!
The police will often keep a list of car numbers that people have been disqualified in, to. Help them target likely vehicles to pull over out of the mass of cars on the road every day.
This is, however, separate from the ANPR system that was asked about. It stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition, and the system gets its information via a link to the DVLA database for motor vehicles, not the DVLA database for drivers, or Police records of drink driving vehicles.
So no, ANPR will NOT identify disqualified drivers, but the police may well know who to look for from other sources.
i should add that occasionally the police can flag vehicles up as being of interest for certain reasons, and this can also flag up on ANPR, but most police do not enter vehicle numbers for drink drivers.
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