Drink Driving

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
Dear Sir

I have to attend court on Monday for drink driving, this is my first offence. I was going to plead guilty and send
my licence and letter to court before the hearing. 156 milligrammes of alcohol 100 millitres of blood. I cannot
afford a solicitor and have to attend on my own, which is frightening me. Can you let me know what will
happen to me and is it wise attending on my own.

Thank you Jeanette
A reading of 156mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood indicates that you will face a ban of between 17 and 22 months together with either a fine or community order. It is always advisable to be represented where possible but clearly that is not financially viable for everyone. Should you wish to discuss options in respect of representation, please contact us on 0333 009 3824.
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