Disqualification Reduction Application Form / Some advice would be very helpful

Convicted Driver Insurance


New Member
Good afternoon,

I realised this afternoon that I've missed the Alcohol Awareness Course by a number of weeks, which would have meant I would be driving again by now.

In Jan 2011 I received a 3 year ban and the Alcohol Awareness course should have been completed by 21st Feb this year. Since 2011 I always "knew" I would be able to drive by around April.

I telephoned the course organisers who were unable to help or offer any advice so I rang the court in Bath and spoke with a very helpful Lady.

She mentioned that as I've served over 2 years of my 3 year ban. I can apply to the Court for a reduction, especially if this is employment-related, which it is.

I would like to find out which supporting evidence would be advisable to include in the letter, such as a letter from a business partner or to find out any experiences of this.

As I'm still disqualified until 24th January (8 months) is it possible to have this reduced?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Another point. I read in the Court documentation that I must write to the DVLA to renew my license but, as I'm driving on a German license which the Court was not able to withhold is this still the case or just a formality ?

Many thanks

You are able to apply to have your disqualification removed early once you have served at least 2 years of your ban, this application must be made to the Court that originally disqualified you. http://www.stephensons.co.uk/site/individuals/srvmotoring/early_return_of_driving_licence/

I am not sure whether you would still be entitled to drive on your German licence, I would advise that you visit the DVLA website - https://www.gov.uk/non-gb-driving-licence as this should be able to clarify your ability to continue driving on your German licence.
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