Appeal for Early Return of Licence

Convicted Driver Insurance


I am going to start the process of appealing for early return of licence after completing 2 years of a 3 year ban via magistrates court. I am due a promotion at work which would need me to have my licence and I have spent 2 years travelling 2.5 hours a day to and from work on trains and buses. Would you think I have a reasonable chance?
You stand every chance of getting your licence back early and should not be frightened of applying. Sound preparation, production of all necessary evidence and good presentation in court are key to success. The legislation says the court should take account of:
-the nature and seriousness of the original offence
-your character and conduct since the ban was imposed and
-any other relevant factors (such as job or promotion prospects)

If possible get a statement or letter from your employer to confirm your promotion prospects, or even ask them to come to court to give live evidence.

I would urge you to get legal representation because, whilst your prospects are good, if you get it wrong there are time limits on when you can apply again.

We can provide legal representation in any court in England or Wales for a fixed fee. Call our 24 hour helpline on 08450020736 for a free no obligation discussion about your case with one of our experts.
I think you will. I just got my licence returned early by a magistrate's court. Go well dressed and pay them a lot of respect. Tell them exactly what you have said and good luck and don't do it again!!! Also if you have done drink driving rehabilitaion course, bring the certificate with you, or a Good luck!
Hi thanks for your reply. Could you give me a little more background on what happened on the day? Did you have legal representation?

Just would really like to do everything possible to get my licence back.
Only users who originally create a thread in this section will be able to leave a reply in that particular thread, that is, in addition to Sean who replies to all threads posted. If you would like specific legal advice regarding your case then please post a new thread in this section, all other discussions can be made in other sections of the forum.

However, there is no doubt that in cases like this having legal repesentation enhances your prospects of success.
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